.Our company hear the news every single time our team fly, as the captains organize landing..At regarding 8,000 feets, flight attendants will definitely inform you to secure seat belts, raise your seats to the upright posture, yield folding table, as well as put your laptops away..Currently, one airline company, South west, has transformed the policies. Up until recently, that in-flight statement was made as their aircrafts were falling under 10,000 shoes. Now, the airline will certainly bring in that statement at 18,000 feet to ready the cabin earlier so as to shield air travel staff from any type of injuries caused by turbulence..This implies that in-flight service will certainly end earlier, drinks will be accumulated, carry-on bags will certainly need to be stowed earlier, and also you’ll have to finish your in-flight emails previously.
Southwest claims that the brand-new policies are aimed at cutting flight attendant accidents through twenty per-cent..Various other airline companies are watching the brand-new program to see if they are going to do the same..